Wednesday, 26 October 2016

Play of Infinity: dance of Shiva and Shakti

Dance of Infinity

Shiva and Uma are dancing lost in the passion for each other.Their energies create a delicate balance in the universe. This dance  at the end of the cycle/time of destruction, is called the dance of death known as Thandava. At the time of creation it is known as Aananda Thandava(dance of bliss)/Lasya the dance of creation.This creation and destruction forms the cycle of birth, the death and the rebirth. It's an eternal dance of Infinity.
This rhythmic play  is the source of all movement within the universe. Shiva on his own remains unmoved. Only the love of Uma makes Shiva to indulge in this playful dance time and again.
At the end of every age the universe is destroyed by Shiva's dance of Thandava along with his beloved in the form of Mahakali and he takes the form of Mahakaal.
 Then with goddess Tripura Sundari/Parvati he begins the process of creation by performing the dance of creation know as Lasya.

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