Tuesday, 19 January 2016

Butterfly symbolism --spirituality


Pen and ink drawing on A1 size paper

This pen and ink drawing is from the series 'Lucid Dreams'.

The journey of the transformation of the butterfly symbolises going into deep cocoon of meditation and letting all fears and old wounds be released one by one, so that the transformation can take place.
The cocoon state is associated with the time of nurturing and healing, by getting in touch with your feeling and the essence of the soul. In a cocoon state of meditation, and through contemplation and release of all the feeling that are holding you back anyone can experience new possibilities of being that once was beyond reach.

 In many traditions around the world butterflies are considered to be symbol of soul or soul world.
Through the life of butterfly one can learn and understand the purpose of the life is to set everything that was once known aside and embrace the entire new way of being.
A caterpillar is only capable of crawling becomes a beautiful butterfly capable of taking a flight into space(unlimited possibility) crossing seas and continents.

This symbolically can be applied in our own lives, of going beyond to what we believe is possible. Also making the once impossible into reality.
If someone is already on spiritual path seeing butterflies often in dreams or otherwise is a sign to move deeper into spiritual studies and practice's, to experience higher level of awareness. The butterfly serves as a metaphor for soul's spiritual journey.